

... how i can remember and keep the faith, thats how i raise again

Material: canvas, acryl, coal, soft pastel

Dimension: 150x100

Beautiful Chorus

.. of freedom

Material: canvas, acryl, soft pastel, coal, golden details

Dimension: 150x100

Magic can happen

... you beginn to trust let me show you...

Material: canvas, acryl, soft pastel

Dimension: 150x100

Raw leafs

Material: raw canvas, acryl, soft pastel

Dimension: 130x100


Material: canvas, acryl

Dimension: 150x80

Italien coast

Material: canvas, acryl, soft pastel

Dimension: 200x160

Wind and sun

Material: canvas, acryl

Dimension: 150x100

Flower of Life

... how the second chakra tastes

Material: canvas, acryl

Dimension: 200x200

The Óm

... blue as the ocean, yellow as the sun, Harmony as the deepest spirit of green - nature - mixture of blue and yellow

Material: canvas, acryl

Dimension: 200x200

Ballet dancer...

... the hummingbird

Material: canvas, acryl

Dimension: 150x100


Material: canvas, acryl, oil pastel, fluorescent details

Dimension: 100x70


Material: canvas, acryl, soft pastel

Dimension: 150x100


..who fell down, luckily to the deep ocean

Material: canvs, acryl, oil pastel, golden details

Dimension: 80x65


.. to remind yourself who you are

Material: canvas, acryl, fluorescent object

Dimension: 100x50

Pink rain

Material: canvas, acryl, coal

Dimension: 100x100


FFF - FashionArt first feather

Material: fabric metallic paint

detail of the Angel

Material: fabric metallic paint

detail of Kundalini

Material: fabric metallic paint


Material: fabric metallic paint

Dimension: L

Price: prodáno


Material: fabric metallic paint

Dimension: oversized S/M

Price: prodáno


jeans jacket

Material: fabric metallic paint

Dimension: S/M

Price: 5000

First kundalini

...which went to Australia

Material: fabric metallic paint

Dimension: S/M

Price: prodáno

deatil of the Truth about heart

Material: fabric metallic paint

Truth about heart

Material: fabric metallic paint

Dimension: oversized or mens L

Price: 6000

detail of Sufi

Material: fabric paint


... poetry which leads you to the Truth on the path of Love

Material: fabric paint

Dimension: oversized S/M

Price: 5000

Im brave

... as the Lotus

Material: fabric metallic paint

Dimension: S/M

Price: 4500

Deep dream Manta

Material: fabric metallic paint

Dimension: oversized S/M

black and gold

Material: fabric metallic paint

Dimension: S

Price: 5000

White dress abstract II


Material: fabric paint

Dimension: S/M

Price: 6000

White dress abstract

Material: fabric paint

Dimension: S/M

Price: 6000

detail of the White abstract

Material: fabric paint

White abstract

winter with joy

Material: fabric paint

Dimension: S/M

Price: prodáno


Komentované vernisáže


Pravidelný art workshop pro děti

Neboli "výtvarka" u mne v ateliéru


Price: 200kč/90min


... na svatbách, firemních akcích, festivalech

Material: zážitková malba v přímém přenosu

Ženské kruhy

...podpora síly, něhy, křehkosti a divokosti ženy...

Material: seberozvoj

Polodenní art workshop pro dospělé

Material: festival style

Black art workshop

práce se stínovými stránkami

Material: seberozvoj

Děti a jejich svoboda duše

pravidelné workshopy v ateliéru

Material: seberozvoj

Celodenní venkovní art workshop pro děti

Material: plátna, mix media... zábava, inspirace, svoboda

Individuální workshop, malba pod vedením

Material: zážitkový workshop

Price: 1000/hod


If you are interested in buying any of my goods, a workshop or have a question about the goods, do not hesitate to contact me at these contact details.

Phone number: +420 607 677 755


VAT number:

Account number: 198246662/0300

Adress: Tyršovo nám. 1733, 252 63 Roztoky u Prahy