Martina Konvicka ART


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Tisk na šifon, motiv obrazu Baletka neboli kolibřík

Reprodukce obrazu na rámu Šifonové šaty

Fluorescentní malba na golfové rukavičky pro Pink Bubble

charitativní aukce pro teenagery s rakovinou

Ocean Queen

Queen im

realizace v AK Šlauf

The su(o)n the father

Raw art

Raw canvas

News archive

JUDr. Martina Konvičková (*29. 5. 1987)


"When I decided to devote myself fully to art, I was left alone in a field of disbelief and doubts. At that time, I had a fresh doctorate in law at Charles University on the topic of domestic violence, a toddler daughter and a divorce from the man of my life, who was expecting a son with another woman. My whole life was turned upside down and I was afraid of my cancer coming back because of crazy anxieties...

That's when art fully returned to my life... Even as a child, I was still drawing and painting, inventing gimmicks, and what I couldn't do with colors, I danced. I studied ballet for eleven years. Heatedly.

When you can't "live" emotions, it's a pleasure to express them through art. And if you have as strong psychosomatics as I do, it's actually a matter of life. It is not easy to speak your own truth, but it is easy to be a part of art. Whether as a performer or a spectator, we share our inner necessity for the Truth of the Soul. We understand each other and are relieved to find out that we are not the only ones who experience something like this."

"As far as painting is concerned, Otto Placht supported me the most. The jungle painter and I exhibited paintings side by side at Art Prague Fair 2019 and we caught each other's eye. I also flew with him to Peru, to his house and studio in Pucallpa, rituals with ayahuasca it was definitely one of my strongest experiences there. I was able to work by his side in his studio for a year and a half. Thanks Otto, from the bottom of my heart."

"However, the biggest thanks goes to my heart, the determination to live what I love. To truly know myself and open the door to others who are brave. As a single mother and as a free being, I believe that what we do for ourselves, we always do for others as well."

"Currently, I run my own gallery and studio, my paintings have been hung on the waterfront in the Mánes restaurant and in Barcelona, ​​I receive invitations to exhibitions not only in Europe, but also in Dubai, for example; I am lovingly running a work for children for the third year, where they learn to hear their heart and don't judge your nature; I am a lecturer in women's circles to support women like me in their wildness and joy; I started my "fashion brand" by painting personal symbols on sweaters, jackets or dresses and FashionArt's fashion shows are a fond memory of my youngest years of modeling."

Martina´s work nowadays is well recognized and installed by national and international art experts in Czech, Germany, Holland, Croatia and Spain (Figueres). She´s got her own undeniable style.

Martina refers to her work as a multidimensional soul experience. There where she trusts her most intimate feelings to the canvas.

"Feelings and emotions are the reality for the soul. Soul is the power of all acting and so the moving all around the world. Im uncovering mine and showing some more ways of being. My paintings are strong in passion and truth. Devotion and faith are the essence of my art."

Martina finds a lot in natural nations cultures. Shamanic paintings on black canvas with fluorescent accents symbolize inner journeys. It takes us through gateways and mirrors of wilderness, love, compasion and all what lies beyond...

Her personalized and bigger art works are well known to bring walls and houses alive. It suit best to open-minded spaces. Great part of her work is nowadays order based.

Since 2015, Martina is part of the Foundation program "Smile of the Angel" connected to Golf Club, supporting the Children's Oncology Department of MOTOL hospital.

"You remind yourself as part of the great great organism. Commonwealth. People. Humanity. Respect. Solidarity. Innocence.

When you first discover the truth, the world, the essence of being is not cliché anymore. You trust.

Only maternal love is unconditional. This, however, does not prevent you from finding the best of yourself. Remember past, live present and trust the future. I know that every smile counts. Thank you."


If you are interested in buying any of my goods, a workshop or have a question about the goods, do not hesitate to contact me at these contact details.

Phone number: +420 607 677 755


VAT number:

Account number: 198246662/0300

Adress: Tyršovo nám. 1733, 252 63 Roztoky u Prahy